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Guayaquil was the last stop in our trip as we were taking the plane to Madrid from there. Everyone would always tell us about how dangerous, how busy, how chaotic, the biggest and richest town in Ecuador is. So we were surprised to find ourselves in a pleasant and modern part of the city in the Malecon 2000, the new promenade, and the historic neighbourhood of Las Peñas, with small streets, colourful houses and a lot of character. Las Peñas was our favourite place, even though it was situated on a hill, and climbing the stairs to the top in the winter heat in Guayaquil (as it is hotter in winter than summer!) was exhausting!

Am singing in the rain!!

Las Peñas

Guayaquil fue la ultima parada de nuestro recorrido, ya que nuestro avion a Madrid salia de alli. Todo el mundo nos habia dicho lo peligrosa, caotica y superpoblada que es la ciudad mas grande y rica de Ecuador. Asi que nos quedamos sorprendidos cuando llegamos a un area de la ciudad muy tranquila y moderna en el Malecon 2000, y el vecindario tradicional de Las Peñas, con pequeñas calles, casas de colores, y mucha personalidad. Las Peñas es nuestro lugar favorito, aunque estuviera situado en una colina y subir las escaleras con el calor humedo de Guayaquil (hace mas calor en invierno que en verano) era agotador!

April 2024